Use "was defeated|be defeat" in a sentence

1. They refused to acknowledge defeat/that they were defeated/themselves beaten.

2. Synonyms for be Bested by include lose, be beaten, be defeated, suffer defeat, be the loser, capitulate, come off second-best, fail, fall and succumb

3. Can it be defeated?

4. The proposal was emphatically defeated.

5. She was defeated at the polls.

6. 13 The team was soundly defeated.

7. And the armada was actually defeated?

8. He can't endure to be defeated.

9. The only incumbent Independent was defeated.

10. 6 He can't endure to be defeated.

11. Ichiki's assault was defeated with heavy losses.

12. This was a highly creditable defeat.

13. All that stood against them was one man who could not be defeated in battle.

14. He was defeated with a knock out.

15. The army was demoralized by defeat.

16. He was narrowly defeated in the election.

17. The Confederacy was defeated by the northern states.

18. This was Wimbledon's eighth successive league defeat.

19. The proposed bill was decisively defeated in Parliament.

20. 19 He was narrowly defeated in the election.

21. It was a humiliating defeat for Callaghan.

22. It was the team's fourth successive defeat.

23. There was an inevitability about their defeat.

24. The enemy was defeated in a decisive battle.

25. Outmaneuvered and outgunned, the Spanish Armada was defeated.

26. She was defeated at the 2011 parliamentary election.

27. Your army was defeated by just one blow!

28. 24 Some countries may be defeated but can never be conquered.

29. Infectious disease would be defeated; conquest would follow conquest.

30. The Southern filibuster cannot be defeated without substantial changes.

31. Yan Guo soldiers can be killed and not defeated.

32. A man can be destroyed but not defeated. 

33. 18 That would be to concede total defeat.

34. It was to be many months before the new tsar accepted defeat in the Crimean War.

35. For His own name's sake, God would not let Israel see defeat so that the idolatrous people could not claim that their gods defeated Him.

36. The defeat was the nadir of her career.

37. He was Chastened [=humbled] by his team's defeat

38. 8 The enemy was defeated in a decisive battle.

39. Defeated, he fled back to Carthage and was killed.

40. Como was defeated, but gradually rose again to prominence.

41. In 19 Winston Churchill was defeated at the polls.

42. The warrior can die but can never be defeated!

43. Even a hero can be defeated by a beauty.

44. For Groningen coach Hans Westerhof defeat was bittersweet.

45. Eloquence alone was sufficient to defeat the motion.

46. He was bad-tempered and graceless in defeat.

47. 1 A man can be destroyed but not defeated. 

48. 2 The enemy was defeated in a decisive battle.

49. 9 The government was defeated by 200 votes to

50. In 19 Alexander was defeated in his first statewide campaign.

51. It was gradually borne in on us that defeat was inevitable.

52. A thumping defeat is said to be a victory.

53. Kirkwood was a particularly dejected figure after their defeat.

54. 6 This wasn't defeat,( it was a drubbing.

55. Defeat after defeat filled us with despair.

56. Attila was defeated in the Battle of the Cataluanian Plains

57. 10 How was nose defeated fast and scabby ? Good fast?

58. Her first defeat was an early lesson in humility.

59. The defeat was taken with equanimity by the leadership.

60. It was this auxiliary army that Gelo defeated at Himera.

61. Our defeat was expected but it is disappointing nevertheless.

62. There was, however, no dishonour in such a defeat.

63. He was capable of acknowledging defeat with decent civility.

64. Well, I was smarting under a sense of defeat.

65. She was a woman who hated to admit defeat .

66. In his first campaign in 756, Constantine V was successful and managed to defeat the Bulgarians twice, but in 759, Vinekh, the Bulgarian Khan, defeated the Byzantine army comprehensively in the Battle of the Rishki Pass.

67. Han Fan agreed with the proposal, feeling that Huan was not a good general and could be easily defeated.

68. The defeat was the first to be inflicted on the Royal Navy since the 1814 Battle of Plattsburgh.

69. Our defeat may be the preface to our successor's victory.

70. She was defeated by Kristýna's twin sister Karolína in the final.

71. 16 Our defeat was expected but it is disappointing nevertheless.

72. This should in no way be seen as a defeat.

73. Hezekiah prays that Jehovah’s name be magnified by Assyria’s defeat

74. To be overcome by a sense of futility or defeat.

75. I have to admit that I was defeated by my stomach.

76. Three weeks later, the Japanese force at Los Negros was defeated.

77. Ford was defeated by Democrat Jimmy Carter in the general election.

78. 23 Duke was soundly defeated in this month's Louisiana governor's race.

79. He was magnanimous in defeat and praised his opponent's skill.

80. Although the proposition was defeated, there was strong consumer backlash against the coalition's opposition.